SICT 2022: Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International Conference

30 April, 2022

Professor Himanshu was present as a Keynote speaker in the Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International Conference held in Barcelona, from 27 - 29 April.

He shared iLab's research about "Nature-Inspired Coating Technologies for Global Food–Water Security

To read more about this topic, read our publications:

Odokonyero, K., Gallo, A. & Mishra, H. Nature-inspired wax-coated jute bags for reducing post-harvest storage losses. Sci Rep 11, 15354 (2021).

Adair Gallo Jr., K. Odokonyero, Magdi A. A. Mousa, J. Reihmer, S. Al-Mashharawi, R. Marasco, E. Manalastas, Mitchell J. L. Morton, D. Daffonchio, Matthew F. McCabe, M. Tester, Himanshu Mishra. Nature-Inspired Superhydrophobic Sand Mulches Increase Agricultural Productivity and Water-Use Efficiency in Arid Regions. Agricultural Science & Technology (2022).