13 March, 2023

TERRAXY won TAQADAM Showcase 2023!!

We are thrilled to announce that our startup TERRAXY has won the TAQADAM award!

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02 March, 2023

iLab won 1st place at ITAS Arab Youth Competition 2023!!

The Agriculture group, represented by Nayara Musskopf and Aishah Alsamdani, won the ITAS Arab Youth Competition 2023 hosted by The University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) in Doha, Qatar between March 1-3, 2023.

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30 April, 2022

SICT 2022: Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International Conference

Professor Himanshu presented the research "Nature-Inspired Coating Technologies for Global Food–Water Security", in Barcelona, from 27 - 29 April.

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01 July, 2022

71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Dr. Adair Gallo Jr. has attended the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, dedicated to Chemistry, that took place from 26 June - 1 July 2022, Lindau, Germany.

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31 May, 2022

PYRO2022: 23rd edition of the International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

iLab's members were present in the 23rd edition of the International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis held in Ghent, Belgium, from 15th to 20th May.

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15 June, 2022

11th International Colloids Conference

Professor Himanshu and his team members were present to share their research on: “Zwitterions at Electrified interfaces” ,“How osmolytes influence hydrophobic and electrostatic forces between surfaces?”, “Contact electrification at Water-Hydrophobe Interfaces: Why does it happen, and how can we use it?"

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25 April, 2022

Wax coating helps waning water resources

Professor Himanshu Mishra and colleagues developed superhydrophobic sand (called SandX), a bio-inspired material comprising grains of sand or sandy soils coated in a nanoscale layer of paraffin wax.

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10 April, 2022

Effects of superhydrophobic sand mulching on evapotranspiration and phenotypic responses in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants under normal and reduced irrigation

Here, we investigate the effects of 1 cm-thick SHS mulching on the evapotranspiration and phenotypic responses of tomato plants as a model system under normal and reduced irrigation. Experimental results reveal that SHS mulching suppresses evaporation and enhances transpiration by up to 78%. SHS mulching also enhanced root xylem vessel diameter, stomatal aperture, stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll content index. These results underscore the potential of SHS for realizing food–water security and greening initiatives in arid regions.

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16 February, 2022

What we knew about water was right after all!

The formation of hydrogen peroxide at the air-water interface in microdroplets is not spontaneous as previously believed but is instead driven by ozone.

© 2022 KAUST.

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01 March, 2022

Study casts doubt on water microdroplets’ ability to spontaneously produce hydrogen peroxide

Scientists in Saudi Arabia have offered a new explanation for how hydrogen peroxide forms in water microdroplets produced by spraying and condensation.1 Led by Himanshu Mishra at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Kaust), the group designed a set of experiments to show that water microdroplets are unable to produce hydrogen peroxide without the uptake and chemical transformation of ozone. In revealing the underlying mechanism of hydrogen peroxide production, they hope their work will help clarify recent speculation into this unique behaviour of water.

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28 February, 2022

Open Postdoctoral Fellow position in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

We solicit applications for Postdoctoral Fellow position in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics in Professor Himanshu Mishra’s research Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Interfacial Lab).

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28 February, 2022

Open Postdoctoral Fellow position in Sustainable Technologies for Arid Lands Agriculture

We solicit applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position in Sustainable Technologies for Arid Lands Agriculture in Professor Himanshu Mishra’s Research Group (Interfacial Lab) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Interfacial Lab).

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28 February, 2022

Open Postdoctoral Fellow position in Surface Science: Adhesion and Wetting

We solicit applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position in Surface Science: Adhesion and Wetting, in Professor Himanshu Mishra’s Research Group (Interfacial Lab) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Interfacial Lab).

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28 February, 2022

Open Postdoctoral Fellow position in Theory and Computation (Chemistry)

We solicit applications for Postdoctoral Fellow position in Theory and Computation (Chemistry) in Professor Himanshu Mishra’s Research Group (Interfacial Lab) at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia (Interfacial Lab).

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28 February, 2022

Recruitment opportunities

Are you interested in becoming an iLaber? This is for you then!

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