Rendering SiO2/Si surfaces omniphobic by carving gas-entrapping microtextures comprising reentrant and doubly reentrant cavities or pillars (Journal of Visualised Experiments)
Year: 2020
Authors: Arunachalam, S., Domingues, E. M., Das, R., Nauruzbayeva, J., Buttner, U., Syed, A., and Mishra, H.*.
  • Wetting
  • omniphobicity
  • Reentrant and doubly reentrant cavities/pillars
  • Gas-entrapping microtextures (GEMs)
  • Photolithography
  • Isotropic etching
  • Anisotropic etching
  • Thermal oxide growth
  • Reactive-ion etching
  • Contact angles
  • Immersion
Proof-of-Concept for Gas-Entrapping Membranes Derived from Water-Loving SiO2/Si/SiO2 Wafers for Green Desalination (Journal of Visualised Experiments)
Year: 2020
Authors: Das, R., Arunachalam, S., Ahmad, Z., Buttner, U., Syed, A. and Mishra, H.*
  • Perfluorocarbon-free membranes
  • Photolithography
  • Reactive-ion etching
  • Contact angles
  • Textured surfaces
  • Wetting
Reply to the ‘Comment on “The chemical reactions in electrosprays of water do not always correspond to those at the pristine air–water interface”’ (Chemical Science)
Year: 2019
Authors: Gallo Adair, Andreia SF Farinha, Miguel Dinis, Abdul-Hamid Emwas, Adriano Santana, Robert J. Nielsen, William A. Goddard, And Himanshu Mishra
  • air-water interface
  • aqueous electrosprays
  • isoprene
Bio-inspired Gas-entrapping Membranes (GEMs) Derived from Common Water-wet Materials for Green Desalination (Journal of Membrane Science)
Year: 2019
Authors: Das, R., Arunachalam, S., Ahmad, Z., Manalastas, E., & Mishra, H.

This article was featured in KAUST Discovery, EurekAlert! and

  • Green desalination
  • membrane distillation
  • Perfluorocarbon-free
  • Wetting and non-wetting materials
  • Biometrics
  • Reentrant textures
  • Mass transfer
  • Heat transfer
Nuclear Quantum Effects in Hydrophobic Nanoconfinement (The journal of physical chemistry letters)
Year: 2019
Authors: Shrestha, B. R., Pillai, S., Santana, A., Donaldson, Jr., S. H., Pascal, T. A., Mishra, H.*
This article was featured in KAUST Discovery and
  • Hydrophobic forces
Mitigating Cavitation Through a Biomimetic Gas-entrapping Microtextured Surfaces (Science advances)
Year: 2020
Authors: Gonzalez-Avila, S. R., Nguyen, D. M., Arunachalam, S., Domingues, E., Mishra, H.*, Ohl, C-D.
  • Cavitation bubbles and jets
  • coatings
  • omniphobicity
  • biomimetrics
  • Underwater
  • marine
  • capillarity
  • bubble nucleation and collapse
A first‐principles approach for treating wastewaters (International Journal of Quantum Chemistry)
Year: 2020
Authors: Santana, A., Farinha, A. S. F., Torano, A. Z., Ibrahim, M., Mishra, H.*
Front cover of the journal.
  • Density functional theory
  • physiosorption
  • Methylene blue
Electrification at Water-Hydrophobe Interfaces (Nature Communications)
Year: 2020
Authors: Jamilya Nauruzbayeva, Zhonghao Sun, Adair Gallo Jr, Mahmoud Ibrahim, J. Carlos Santamarina, Himanshu Mishra
This article was featured in KAUST Discovery and in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights.
  • water-hydrophobic interfaces
  • electrification
  • hydrophobicity
  • electrical double layer
  • adsorption of ions
  • uniform electric fields
  • electrometer
  • pendant drops
  • Debye lengths
The chemical reactions in electrosprays of water do not always correspond to those at the pristine air–water interface (Chemical Science)
Year: 2019
Authors: Gallo Adair, Andreia SF Farinha, Miguel Dinis, Abdul-Hamid Emwas, Adriano Santana, Robert J. Nielsen, William A. Goddard, And Himanshu Mishra

This article was featured in KAUST Discovery.
Front cover of the journal.

  • air-water interface
  • aqueous electrosprays
  • isoprene
Biomimetic Coatings-free Surfaces for Long-term Entrapment of Air Under Wetting Liquids (Nature Communications)
Year: 2018
Authors: Eddy M. Domingues, Sankara Arunachalam, Jamilya Nauruzbayeva, Himanshu Mishra

This article was featured at Nature Research Chemistry Community and KAUST Discovery

  • Bio-inspiration
  • trapped air
  • Doubly reentrant cavities
  • Reentrant Cavities
  • circular and non-circular cavities
  • wetting transitions
  • underwater hydrophobicity
  • liquid imbibition
  • capillary condensation
  • diffusion of gases in liquids
  • omniphobic surfaces
Superhydrophobicity and size reduction enabled Halobates (Insecta: Heteroptera, Gerridae) to colonize the open ocean (Scientific Reports)
Year: 2020
Authors: Gauri A. Mahadik, Jose F. Hernández Sánchez, Sankara Arunachalam, Adair Gallo Junior, Lanna Cheng, Andreia S. Farinha, Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen, Himanshu Mishra, Carlos M. Duarte
This article was featured in KAUST Discovery
  • Superhydrophobicity
  • Water striders
  • Halobates
Assessing Omniphobicity by Immersion (Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)
Year: 2018
Authors: Sankara Arunachalam, Ratul Das, Jamilya Nauruzbayeva, Eddy M. Domingues, Himanshu Mishra
  • omniphobicity
  • Contact angles
  • Immersion
  • Underwater
  • Wetting
  • Textured surfaces
Evaluating the Potential of Superhydrophobic Nanoporous Alumina Membranes for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (Journal of Colloid and Interface Science)
Year: 2018
Authors: Navaladian Subramanian, Adnan Qamar, Ahmad Alsaadi, Adair Gallo Jr, Muhammed Ghifari, Jung-Gil Lee, Sreekiran Pillai, Sankara Arunachalam, Dalaver Anjum, Felix Sharipov, Noreddine Ghaffour
  • air-water interface
  • membrane distillation
Doubly Reentrant Cavities Prevent Catastrophic Wetting Transitions on Intrinsically Wetting Surfaces (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces)
Year: 2017
Authors: Eddy Domingues, Sankara Arunachalam, And Himanshu Mishra
This article was featured at Engineers Australia, EurekAlert!, and KAUST Discovery
  • Doubly reentrant cavities
  • omniphobicity
  • wetting transition
  • trapped gases
  • liquid imbibition
  • capillary condensation
  • airborne contaminants
  • underwater hydrophobicity
Wetting of Water on Graphene (Applied Physics Letters)
Year: 2016
Authors: Bijoyendra Bera, Noushine Shahidzadeh, Himanshu Mishra, Liubov A. Belyaeva, Gregory F. Schneider, Daniel Bonn
  • Wetting
  • Graphene
Piston-type Imbibition at High Contact Angles Drives Incremental Oil Recovery in Carbonates
Year: 2016
Authors: T. W. Patzek, C. Radke, M. Yutkin, H. Mishra
  • Enhanced oil recovery
  • capillarity
  • contract angle hysteresis
Simple-to-Apply Wetting Model to Predict Thermodynamically Stable and Metastable Contact Angles on Textured/Rough/Patterned Surfaces (The Journal of Physical Chemistry C)
Year: 2016
Authors: Y. Kaufman, S-Y. Chen, H. Mishra, A. M. Schrader, D. W. Lee, S. Das, S. H. Donaldson, Jr., and J. N. Israelachvili
  • Wetting Model
  • Reentrant Cavities
Bulk and Surface Aqueous Speciation of Calcite: Implications for Low-Salinity Waterflooding of Carbonate Reservoirs (Soceity of Petroleum Engineers)
Year: 2016
Authors: M. P. Yutkin, J. Y. Lee, H. Mishra, C. J. Radke, T. W. Patzek*
  • Calcite
  • Carbonate Reservoirs
Time-Dependent Wetting Behavior of PDMS Surfaces with Bioinspired, Hierarchical Structures (ACS Applied Material Interfaces)
Year: 2016
Authors: Himanshu Mishra, Alex M. Schrader, Dong Woog Lee, Adair GalloJr., Szu-Ying Chen, Yair Kaufman, Saurabh Das And Jacob N. Israelachvili*

This Article was featured as the Cover Page of the journal

  • biomimicry
  • wettability
  • superhydrophobic
  • Cassie-Baxter
  • Cassie-impregnated
  • Wenzel
  • sand dollar
Tropospheric Aerosol as a reactive intermediate (Faraday Discussions)
Year: 2013
Authors: A. J. Colussi, A. Yabushita, S. Enami, M. R. Hoffmann, W.G. Liu, H. Mishra, W. A. Goddard III
  • Tropospheric Aerosol